
Friday, August 6, 2010


"A Father's Son"

The seed that will not
The weeds that choke out
"fertile soil"
The "ivy" on "%#^#%" the "#^#*#^#castle wall's#^#*#^#",
That prick the
"bloodstained hand"
The storms that rage throughout life,
That flood ..."@~~~~~~@"***
"the prosperous land"
The seed sprouts skyward,
Stunted by the fog that,
Hides it's }*{God}*{ given *light*
The harshness of the winds that sting,
Causing it's leaves to shrivel and fall
The flora of the forest floor,
That make *me* seem so small
At twilight's gleem,dusk settles in
A sunlight orb, radiant peace
A quiet time to regain my strength
A silent mood*.* like the moon*.*, too reflect
A vow alone in life's bitter quest
To regain "my" grace, that was 'neglect'
I am the "redwood", now tall and proud
From the seed of old
Majestic ?!?enigma?!? of truth
When the wind blows,
I sway in the breeze
I whisper the secrets of life,
To the birds and the leaves
The birds sing praise, the leaves give breath
My life full circle, but the pain still remains
Under my bark, the rings of my age
I am who I am, why must I change

"My First Saint"

Patience is a Virtue...
She posses un-ending surplus.
Love is an expresion,
It's Emotions in Hate turn to lust.
Prayer is a pathway,
An Expresion of faith.
A soulmate she would search for,
An Answer to life.
Life is a journy,
Like reading a book.
A story is a picture,
A parable of light.
A Saint She is to me,
My Mother is great.
I can't share with her,
A patience which is greater... then mine.
I can't show her emotion,
Without finding fear in her eyes.
I am scared of ghost stories,
But Angels I've seen.
My Mother's name is Kathy,
And Granese is My Dream.